Absol Plush
Ichiban-Kuji Second Place Wishing Star of Seven Nights Absol Plush
一番くじ2等 七夜の願い星 アブソル ぬいぐるみ
Banpresto 2003
This is easily the rarest of Absol plush. Ichiban-Kuji lotter prizes, especially older and top-tier prizes, can become some of the hardest merchandise to track down. This Absol is a gorgeous plush as well, even despite being smaller than the DX UFO Catcher. A rare and valuable addition for any Absol collector's collection, especially if found with the original hang tag (which would have been attached to one of its back legs).
Wishing Star of Seven Nights Absol DX Movie Version UFO Catcher Plush
七夜の願い星 アブソル DX劇場版ぬいぐるみ
Banpresto 2003
The largest of the four Absol plush made, this is also the most common, although still difficult to find. It is beautiful and large, and has a softer touch than the Ichiban-Kuji lottery plush. This plush was once an amusement prize in commemoration of the sixth Pokémon movie, Wishing Star of Seven Nights: Jirachi.
Pokémon Center Pokédoll Absol (Japanese, American Versions)
ポケモンセンター ポケドール アブソル (日本製、アメリカ製)
Pokémon Center 2003, 2006
Absol is one of the rarer and sought Pokédolls in existance, although slightly less so since it got an American release three years after the original Japanese release. The Japanese and American Pokédolls feature slightly differing patterns and colors, and I finally own both! The Japanese version features a darker gray for the face, tail, and crest blade, slightly different edges on the chest fur, and a crest blade that's turned upwards more.
Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation Atsumete! Happy Mascot Part 3 Absol
ポケットモンスター アドバンスジェナレーション あつめて!ハッピーマスコットパート3 アブソル
Tomy 2003?
This is an odd, obscure tiny Absol mascot plush. Rejects/bootlegs of this plush are common on eBay, but I've only ever seen one other authentic one up for sale before.
Pocket Monsters I LOVE Gothic Plush 1 Absol
ポケットモンスター I LOVE Gothic ぬいぐるみ1 アブソル
Banpresto 2013
Absol's first plush in 10 years! And what a beautiful one it is. While small, it's very detailed and well-made!
Pokémon Petit Mascot Absol
Pokémon Petit マスコット アブソル
Pokémon Center 2014
An unbelievably adorable mascot plush of a chibified Absol! I really love the detail on this plush, and the adorable tag art.
Pokémon Center Kuttari Plush Normal & Sleepy Ver. Absol
ポケモンセンター くったりぬいぐるみ ノーマル&おやすみver. アブソル
Pokémon Center 2016
Adding to the adorableness of the new Absol plush, it has now joined the Pokémon Center line of Kuttari (translates roughly to "lounging") plush! It comes in a normal, and a sleepy version.
Pocket Monsters All Star Collection Plush PP86 Absol (S)
ポケットモンスター ALL STAR COLLECTION ぬいぐるみ PP86 アブソル (S)
Sanei Boeki 2017
Pokémon fit Series 4 Plush Absol
Pokémon fit 第4ぬいぐるみ アブソル
Pokémon Center 2021
Absol Miscellaneous
Pokémon Center Pokédoll Can Badge Absol
ポケモンセンター ポケドール缶バッジ アブソル
Pokémon Center 2003
Pokédoll merchandise is extremely sought and rare to find, and this can badge is no exception. Currently I have yet to see another one of its kind up for sale, but once it does show up again, it will fetch a hefty price. It is also the only known Pokémon merchandise of Absol besides the Pokédoll itself, although I do theorize that a rare Pokédoll metal charm might have been released at one point.
Pokémon Center Assortment 3 Tin Set Pokémon Morning Absol
ポケモンセンター アソート3缶セット ポケモン朝アブソル
Pokémon Center 2003
During the summer of 2003 and movie 6's run, the Pokémon Center had a wonderful promotion of goods with characters from the movie. Among these rare goods was a set of three confection tins representing Morning, Noon, and Night (朝・昼・夜). Absol represented Morning, Pikachu Noon, and Jirachi Night. Information and a full goods list flyer can be seen here on Asami's Diary blog. (Japanese-only.)
Pokémon Advanced Generation Stamp Retsuden Series 1 #26 Absol
ポケモン アドバンスジェナレーション スタンプ烈伝第1弾 #26 アブソル
EnSky 2003?
One of the rarest Absol items out there, I am very grateful to have this stamp. Stamp Retsuden are infamous for becoming rare fast, especially the older Advanced Generation sets, and this stamp came from the very first set. EnSky also makes KeshiPoké, which also have excessively-rare AG sets. (I assume an Absol was made, but I've never even seen a photo of it.) If you come across any AG Retsuden stamp (distinguishable from DP and BW sets by their layout), consider yourself very lucky.
Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation Trading Coin Part 4 Absol Gold, Silver, Copper, Black Versions
ポケットモンスター アドバンスジェナレーション トレーディングコインパート4 アブソル 金色、銀色、銅色、黒色バージョン
Kyodo? ??
(Missing the special color change versions of Gold, Silver, Copper, and Black.)
Like the Metal Collection Absol (which I've yet to even see, let alone locate), these Trading Coins are difficult to find, let alone find all the released colors. Each coin also had a small plastic jewel embedded in them (red or blue, representing Ruby and Sapphire), which differentiates them from the Meiji battle medals and the much more recent Medal Collection. In addition to coming in four colors, each color also comes in a special, super rare "color change" version, which features a gorgeous glittery background.
Pokémon Watch Ball Ultra Ball Absol
ポケモンウォッチボール ハイパーボール アブソル
Tomy 2003
Yet another rare to find Absol item. Sadly, the battery is now dead, and impossible to replace without taking the internal bits apart, but is still in great condition. Watch Balls are difficult in general to track down as well, especially the AG sets.
Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation PokéCan Collection Absol
ポケットモンスター アドバンスジェナレーション ポケCANコレクション アブソル
?? 2003?
A small, beautiful zippered tin container. One thing that sets this item apart is the unique art on one side, the other being that it's a zippered tin container.
Pokémon Center Absol Craft Stamp
ポケモンセンター アブソル クラフトスタンプ
Pokémon Center/Tomy ??
A cute little wooden craft stamp, once sold at the Pokémon Center. Right off the shelf these stamps were a bit expensive, so it's hard to find them up for resale.
Pokémon Center Wappen Absol, Pokémon Center New York Patch Absol
ポケモンセンター ワッペン アブソル
Pokémon Center 2003?
Adorable and beautifully detailed embroidered iron-on patches from both the Japan and New York Pokémon Centers.
Absol Mighty Bean
Moose 2004
A very unique Absol item. More or less it is a collectible plastic bean that's weighted in the bottom. The bottom even has little Absol footprints on it. Very cute!
Pokémon Time Dr. Grip Mechanical Pencil Absol
pokémon time Dr. Grip シャープペンシル アブソル
Pokémon Center 2011
Pokémon Time is a very unique Pokémon Center promotion popular for its very unique art style. In fall 2011, the Pokémon Centers in Japan released the Pokémon Time series once again. This time, the set was themed around Hoenn Pokémon, including Absol. This mechanical pencil, released alongside a figure strap and an A4 clearfile, marked the first new Absol merchandise since 2006.
Pokémon Time A4 Clearfile Absol
pokémon time A4クリアファイル アブソル
Pokémon Center 2011