Entei Merchandise
Items that aren't a part of a set also featuring Suicune and Raikou!
Entei Plush
Paki Paki Pokémon Plush Entei
パキパキポケモンぬいぐるみ エンテイ
Tomy 2000
A little larger than the old UFO plush, this is a unique Entei plush. Named for its bendable legs, which make a "paki paki" sound according to the hang tag, it is one of the better made older Entei plush. It features plastic eyes, soft to the touch fabric, a taffeta mane, and pleather or vinyl leg braces. This plush also saw both a Japanese and American release in the old Pokémon Center New York; I own the Japanese release.
Pokémon Friends 13 Entei Plush
ポケモンフレンズ13 エンテイ ぬいぐるみ
Bandai Japan 2000
A very adorable Entei plush, and one of the items I've had longest. It is extremely rare to find older Friends plush with their boxes intact, let alone one mint in box, which this one was. (I very carefully opened the top without ripping it, and still keep the plush in the box usually.) It was a very lucky old eBay win; I had originally lost in the last second, but got a second chance offer when the high bidder turned out to be a kid who didn't have their parents' permission to bid. I hadn't even seen another one for sale until years later, and still have yet to find another with the box intact. I'll always cherish this adorable Entei.
Pokémon Movie 10th Anniversary Finger Mascot Entei
ポケモンムービー10周年フィンガーマスコット エンテイ
Takara Tomy 2007
A small finger puppet released for the 10th anniversary of the Pokémon movies in a box with other movie stars, such as Celebi and Deoxys. Its facial details are a vinyl-type material. Another very adorable Entei, even if it's just barely categorized as a "plush".
Pokémon Center Monthly Pikachu January 2016 "Shishi-mai" Plush
ポケモンセンター マンスリーピカチュウ2016 1月「獅子舞」 ぬいぐるみ
Pokémon Center 2015
I never thought a plush that is technically a Pikachu would be after my own heart, but here we are. For January of 2016 in the line of limited Pokémon Center-exclusive Monthly Pikachu plush, is Pikachu dressed in a traditional shishi-mai (獅子舞; lion-dance) performance costume. And who else to serve as the Pokémon shishi than Entei! I've always believed the Beast Trio to be based upon the shishi, and much of the mythology of Johto seems to point to that being the case. And it is that mythology that fuels not only my passion for the Beast Trio, but also for the real-world shishi itself! (I also collect antiques, including kimono, with shishi as the motif!) I honestly never thought I'd see such a direct (and official!) confirmation of Entei and the Beasts' basis on the shishi, and I'm without words in how much I love and appreciate this.

Entei Figures/Keychains
Entei Hasbro Thinkchip Prototype
Hasbro ??
This is easily the rarest Entei item in my collection, quite possibly one of a kind. A very lucky eBay find, the seller described it as being saved from the chipper in the Hasbro factory. I had seen prototype images before of a Thinkchip Entei, among other figures, and searched fervently for it. It turned out to likely have never been released. I feel very lucky to have this Entei, and I will always cherish it.
Pokémon Movie 5th Anniversary Commemoration Figure Set Monster Collection Clear Entei
ポケモン映画5周年記念フィギュアセット モンスターコレクション クリア エンテイ
Tomy 2002
Bundled with clear versions of Mew, Mewtwo, Lugia, Celebi, Latias, and Latios for the 5th anniversary of Pokémon movies, this clear Monster Collection Entei is quite difficult to find. Don't be fooled over clear bootlegs on eBay either; the only painted parts on this figure are the leg braces and the eye pupils. Everything else is colored clear plastic.
Lord of the Unown Tower Entei Chibi PokéHouse (Playset)
結晶塔の帝王 エンテイ ちびポケハウス
Tomy 2000?
This is one of my favorite items. I always loved to play with tiny playsets as a kid, so to have a playset of Entei's crystal tower is just amazing to me. I never took it out of the packaging since I find it's easier to display that way, although it is awfully tempting at times. It comes with tiny figures of Entei, Phanpy, Charizard, Pikachu, and Teddiursa, and Unown are also featured in the playset itself in the spinning backdrop at the top. The crystal spires in the playset are even clear plastic! Just an amazing piece.
New Pokémon Holder Entei
新ポケモンホルダー エンテイ
Tomy? 2000
Only recently I discovered that this unique pose candytoy keychain came from the same set as the indescribably sought and rare Espeon and Umbreon keychains! Unfortunately the origins of the similar Absol keychain is still a mystery, but is very likely from a similar series.
Pokémon Bank Part 11 Entei
ポケモン 貯金箱パート11 エンテイ
Banpresto 2000
Another item I've had for a very long time. A lucky find on eBay way back when, this chibi-style Entei bank is adorable. I always love anything that's a chibified Entei. This is a hard to find Entei as well, especially with the original packaging, and was originally an amusement prize.
Yawaraka Pokémon Part ? Entei
やわらかポケモンパート? エンテイ
Banpresto 2000
Another Entei figure I had no idea existed, until I saw this very one. I have a close friend to thank for selling me this gorgeous figure, and he is easily the softest of all Enteis. And like seemingly a lot of figures, Johto Pokémon from the Yawaraka Pokémon series are a lot harder to find than Kanto Pokémon. I am extremely grateful to have this figure. The specific set it's from is unknown, but is known to have once been an amusement prize.
PokéBell Collection 6 Entei
ポケ鈴コレクション6 エンテイ
Kyodo 2000?
An Entei I had no idea existed previously, until I found it in a lot with other Bell Collection keychains. While the figure itself is plastic, the Pokéball is metal. It is also entirely possible that, like other older Bell Collection keychains, it comes on more than one Pokéball type. Oh the never-ending search as a collector!
Pokémon In-Case Collection ? Entei
ポケモン ケース入りコレクション ? エンテイ
Kyodo 2000?
Another Entei I had no idea existed previously, until a friend found it in a lot without its case. After other collectors identified it as an In-Case figure rather than a Character Stamp figure, in a lucky break I found a lot of Johto In-Case figures. I promptly bought it to reuse one of the cases as Entei's case, picking the one that complemented it the most. Since it's so easy to switch out case colors and backgrounds, I won't bother with collecting any other case and background colors of this guy.
Pocket Monsters Color Metal Chain Entei
ポケットモンスター COLOR METAL CHAIN エンテイ
?? 2000?
A very beautiful and heavyish enameled metal keychain that is unusually thick. Unfortunately, even though I have this previously-unknown item in hand, it still remains a mystery to me. I have no idea who made it and how it was distributed. (Gacha, game prize, candytoy, etc.)
Pokémon Johto Entei Candy Container? Figure
Topps? 2001
A mysterious European Entei figure I think was identified as a Candy Container figure, but my memory is failing me.
Kellogg's Pop Tarts Pokémon the Movie 3 Entei Penciltopper
Sasco Inc.? 2001
An Entei penciltopper that originally came blind-packed in boxes of Pop Tarts. I once lost a lot of them including an Entei years ago, but got a second chance years later on my collecting community. It looks like a typical Entei MC mold, only with thicker "wing" crests and a hole in the bottom thick enough for a pencil.
Pokémon New GachaPoké Machine Entei
ポケモン 新ガチャポケマシン エンテイ
Yujin/Takara Tomy 2006?
For the 10th anniversary of Pokémon movies, a gashapon set was released of...tiny gashapon machines featuring Pokémon movie stars. This tiny Entei machine came with four tiny Pokéballs, and one tiny clear capsule with a piece of plastic with an Entei sticker on it inside. The machine really works too; turn the crank and one capsule comes out!
Pocket Monsters 10th Anniversary Complete Collection Entei & Ash 1/30 Scale Figures
ポケットモンスター 10th Anniversary コンプリートコレクション【下巻】 エンテイ&サトシ 1/30スケールフィギュア
Yujin/Takara Tomy 2007
Similar in premise to the Visual Pokédex (aka "Zukan") series also produced by Yujin/Takara Tomy, the set this Entei came in actually isn't from the same series of figures. Instead it's a series of two sets of Pokémon movie stars of varying scales, made in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of Pokémon movies. Each figure also came with a clear Ash figure of the same scale as a visual size reference. At 1/30 scale rather than 1/40, this Entei is larger (and heavier) than the Visual Pokédex Entei.
Pocket Monsters 10th Anniversary Daizatsuki Collection Figure Strap Entei
ポケットモンスター 10周年台座付コレクションフィギュアストラップ エンテイ
Banpresto 2007
An amusement prize from 2007 for the 10th anniversary of Pokémon movies. The strap on Entei clips on, thus can be removed, and comes on an interlocking base with a postcard backdrop. Sadly, this figure is almost impossible to find now outside of expensive complete sets.
7/11 Pokémon Figure Museum Entei
セブンイレブン ポケモンフィギュアミュージアム エンテイ
Kaiyodo 2007
Kaiyodo, known for amazing and dynamic figures of unique sculpts rather than recycled molds, made a set of bottle cap figures for 7/11 during the height of the 10th anniversary promotion. This figure is a must for any Entei collector; it is absolutely beautiful.
Pokémon HeartGold SoulSilver Collection Box Entei Figure
Kaiyodo 2010
Around the end of 2010, Pokémon Card Game US released a box of five HGSS Collection booster packs, three foil promo cards, and this rerelease of 2007's Pokémon Figure Museum Entei figure. Identical aside from replacing the Japanese movie 3 logo with simply Entei's name, I'm glad this gorgeous figure made a reappearance.
Chupa Surprise Pocket Monsters DP 10th Anniversary Entei Figure
チュッパスプライズ ポケットモンスターDP10周年 エンテイ フィギュア
Subarudo 2007
One of the earliest Chupa Surprise sets, a series that still runs today, this Entei figure is now quite difficult to find for a relatively-recent release. Chupa Surprise figures are candytoys that come blind-packaged with Chupa-Chups lollipops, in plastic Pokéballs encased over the top of the sucker.
Pokémon Metal Mascot Theatre Collection Entei
ポケモン メタルマスコット 劇場版コレクション エンテイ
Subarudo? 2007
A metal keychain with a gorgeous backdrop featuring Entei and a U Unown, released back in 2007 for the 10th anniversary of the Pokémon movies. This was surprisingly difficult to find, and in total took me seven years! (Hopefully no one else after one of these keychains has as much trouble as I did!)
Pikachu the Movie 10th Pokémon Kids Special Box Entei
Pokémon Kids Encore 4 Entei Normal & Clear Versions
ピカチュウ・ザ・ムービー10th ポケモンキッズスペシャル BOX エンテイ
ポケモンキッズアンコール4 エンテイ ノーマル&クリアバージョン
Bandai Japan 2007/2008
This Entei Kid was one that was released twice. The first release was with the 10th anniversary Special Box, which came with other movie Pokémon. The second release was a year later in the fourth Encore set, along with a new alternate clear version. I love the mold of this Entei Kid because of the shishi/foo dog-like pose, the mythical creature of Chinese and Japanese folklore that the Beast Trio was originally based on.
Pokémon Ultimate Mini Swing - Palkia - Entei Strap
Bandai France 2008
A very cute European-exclusive gashapon strap.
Pokémon Clipping Figure Part 5 Entei
ポケモン クリッピングフィギュア Part-5 エンテイ
Bandai Japan 2009
Another unique Entei figure, instead of the same reused mold. Clipping Figures are named for the cards they come with, called "clippings", that feature the figure in dynamic scenery with some trivia. Every Clipping Figure features a unique mold never used before, and are a favorite of collectors because of this.
Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl KeshiPoké Series 8 Entei
ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール けしポケ第8弾 エンテイ
EnSky 2009
The first new beast KeshiPoké since the Advanced Generation. KeshiPoké come blind-boxed in rubber eraser Pokéballs (hence the name; keshi is part of the Japanese word for eraser [消しゴム]), and because of their large sets, quickly become rare and sought once out of production.
Pokémon Pose Figure Johto Chihouhen Entei
ポケモン ポーズフィギュアジョウト地方編 エンテイ
Takara Tomy 2009
A large, heavy Entei candytoy with articulated legs made out of harder plastic. Interestingly he came in a set with Lugia and Ho-Oh, while Raikou and Suicune were released in the next set with Zoroark, breaking up the trio.
Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl Collectible Figure ~Fire Type~ Entei
ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール コレクタブルフィギュア~ほのおタイプ~エンテイ
Banpresto 2010
A good-sized amusement prize, this Entei figure was released with other Fire type figures in a themed set. Interestingly, the Fire type set is more common than the set released after it, the Water type set with Suicune.
Pocket Monsters Sun & Moon MonColle GET Vol. 9 "Red-Hot Fighting Spirit" Entei
ポケットモンスターサン&ムーン モンコレGET Vol.9 灼熱の闘争心 エンテイ
Takara Tomy ARTS 2017
(Missing secret rare metallic version.)