Legendary Beast Trio Theatre Promo Merchandise
Easily some of the rarest items out there, items from theatrical promotions of the Pokémon movies are limited and become extremely hard to find after the movie's run. Many of these items are around ten years old, so you can imagine how hard to find they were! These are some of my most prized and cherished Beast Trio items.
Lord of the Unown Tower Entei
結晶塔の帝王 エンテイ
Lord of the Unown Tower Entei Theatre Promo Program
結晶塔の帝王 エンテイ 劇場限定商品 パンフレット
Along with other promotional merchandise, theatres in Japan sold special, gorgeous programs of the featured movie. These programs feature gorgeous full-color pages, glossy covers with holographic accents, behind the scenes information about the movie, and perhaps best of all, complete lists of all the theatre promotional merchandise released for that movie.
Lord of the Unown Tower Entei Theatre Promo Metal Keychain
結晶塔の帝王 エンテイ 劇場限定商品 メタルキーホルダー
Movic 2000
Perhaps the first in the long line of theatre promotional metal keychains (I don't believe I've ever seen a movie 2 version), this one featured charms of Entei, Unown spelling out "ENTEI", and the Pikachu The Movie logo. Back then the charms were a lot smaller than their present-day counterparts.
Lord of the Unown Tower Entei Theatre Promo Ballpoint Pen with Figure
結晶塔の帝王 エンテイ 劇場限定商品 フィギュア付きボールペン
Movic 2001
One of the rarest to find Entei theatre items, this pen might also have been in the first set of movie pens with figures. The figure itself is very detailed for being so small, and the pen shaft is semi-clear.
Lord of the Unown Tower Entei Theatre Promo Pokémon Strap
結晶塔の帝王 エンテイ 劇場限定商品 ポケモンストラップ
Tomy 2000
Another of the rarer Entei movie items. The figure is attached to the strap band separately with a ball chain, and the band features "ENTEI" spelled out in Unown, a common motif for the items for this movie.
Lord of the Unown Tower Unown "Entei" Theatre Promo Pokémon Strap
結晶塔の帝王 アンノーン 「エンテイ」 劇場限定商品 ポケモンストラップ
Tomy 2000
From the same set as the Entei strap, Pokémon Strap, this neat strap features little Unown block beads that spell out "ENTEI". Of course this counts as an Entei item!
Lord of the Unown Tower Entei Theatre Promo Pokémon Keychain
結晶塔の帝王 エンテイ 劇場限定商品 ポケモンキーホルダー
Tomy 2000
A cute little clip keychain made by Tomy with the same mold as the Tomy MC Entei figure.
Lord of the Unown Tower Entei Theatre Promo Rubber Keychain
結晶塔の帝王 エンテイ 劇場限定商品 ラバーキーホルダー
Movic 2000
This rubber keychain is surprisingly large! It also features a more unique Entei pose, a great keychain to have.
Lord of the Unown Tower Entei Theatre Promo Silver Medal
結晶塔の帝王 エンテイ 劇場限定商品 銀メダル
Movic 2000
Another theatre item staple, the large medals. Like with every movie, the third movie had two; one for the main movie, and one for the Pichu short. This one is obviously the main movie one, featuring a howling Entei. Very nice quality and even heavy.
Lord of the Unown Tower Entei Theatre Promo Coin Purse (Wrist Watch Type)
結晶塔の帝王 エンテイ 劇場限定商品 コインパース(リストウォッチタイプ)
Movic 2000
This is a surprisingly-large theatre promotional vinyl coin purse. It attaches like a wrist watch (hence the name), and comes with a choice of three velco wrist bands.
Lord of the Unown Tower Entei Theatre Promo Monster Ball Badge
結晶塔の帝王 エンテイ 劇場限定商品 モンスターボールバッジ
Media Factory 2000
A theatre promotional Monster Ball Badge for movie 3. Surprisingly this features Entei's standard pose, while the general release Monster Ball Badge Entei featured a more dynamic pouncing pose.
Lord of the Unown Tower Entei Theatre Promo Pen Case 0700G-A
結晶塔の帝王 エンテイ 劇場限定商品 ペンケース 0700G-A
Movic 2000
A beautiful plastic (similar to shitajiki and clearfiles) pen case with a sort-of frosted effect, featuring Entei!
Lord of the Unown Tower Entei Theatre Promo Die Cut Eraser
結晶塔の帝王 エンテイ 劇場限定商品 ダイカット消しゴム
Movic 2000
Pouncing Entei die-cut eraser bundled with two Fast Balls. This is especially fitting since I always associated the Fast Ball Apricorn Ball with the Beast Trio.

Lord of the Unown Tower Entei Theatre Promo Uchiwa 0700G
結晶塔の帝王 エンテイ 劇場限定商品 うちわ 0700G
Movic 2000

Lord of the Unown Tower Entei Theatre Promo Shitajiki 0700G-A
結晶塔の帝王 エンテイ 劇場限定商品 下敷き 0700G-A
Movic 2000
Celebi: A Timeless Encounter
セレビイ 時を越えた遭遇
Celebi: A Timeless Encounter Theatre Promo Program
セレビィ 時を越えた遭遇 劇場限定商品 パンフレット
Along with other promotional merchandise, theatres in Japan sold special, gorgeous programs of the featured movie. These programs feature gorgeous full-color pages, glossy covers with holographic accents, behind the scenes information about the movie, and perhaps best of all, complete lists of all the theatre promotional merchandise released for that movie.

Celebi: A Timeless Encounter Theatre Promo Deluxe Figure (Diorama)
セレビィ 時を越えた遭遇 劇場限定商品 デラックスフィギュア
Movic 2001
An absolutely breathtaking resin diorama. It absolutely has to be seen in person to be believed. It is very rare to find this diorama, and expensive as well.
Celebi: A Timeless Encounter Monster Ball Collection Theatre Promo Figure Suicune
セレビィ 時を越えた遭遇 モンスターボールコレクション 劇場限定商品 フィギュア スイクン
Tomy 2001
One of the promotional, alternate-pose Tomy MCs available to be bought at theatres during the run of the fourth Pokémon movie. If I remember right it came in a plastic Master Ball, which I still have someplace.
Celebi: A Timeless Encounter Celebi & Suicune Theatre Promo Metal Keychain
セレビィ 時を越えた遭遇 セレビイ&スイクン 劇場限定商品 メタルキーホルダー
Movic 2001
A staple of theatre items since at least movie 3, this adorable keychain features Suicune, Celebi, and Pikachu The Movie charms. They are beautiful enameled metal as well.
Celebi: A Timeless Encounter Theatre Promo Ballpoint Pen with Figure Suicune
セレビィ 時を越えた遭遇 劇場限定商品 フィギュア付きボールペン スイクン
Movic 2001
One of the rarest movie 4 theatre promotional items, the pen with figures are also a movie item staple. The Suicune figure is a unique mold and very detailed, and the pen shaft is a beautiful clear purple.
Celebi: A Timeless Encounter Theatre Promo Pitatto Suicune
セレビィ 時を越えた遭遇 劇場限定商品 ピタット スイクン
Tomy 2001
Another extremely rare movie 4 item, this is a beautiful suction cup figure. This also took me years to finally track down, and is well worth the time, effort, and expense. It's also a predacessor to a DP series of suction cup figures made by the same company, Pitatto (also known as Stick) Mascots.
Celebi: A Timeless Encounter Theatre Promo Rubber Keychain
セレビィ 時を越えた遭遇 劇場限定商品 ラバーキーホルダー
Movic 2001
Smaller than its movie 3 counterpart, this rubber keychain features the same iconic movie 4 image recreated in the Deluxe Figure diorama. I believe the original image is on the back of the movie's official soundtrack.
Celebi: A Timeless Encounter Theatre Promo Gold Medal
セレビィ 時を越えた遭遇 劇場限定商品 金メダル
Movic 2001
Yet another movie item staple, this is a gorgeous and heavy gold medal featuring Suicune, Celebi, Pikachu, and Ash. These medals are one of my favorite types of movie items.
Celebi: A Timeless Encounter Theatre Promo Monster Ball Badge Suicune
セレビィ 時を越えた遭遇 劇場限定商品 モンスターボールバッジ スイクン
Media Factory 2001
A theatre promotional Monster Ball Badge. This Suicune comes in a completely opaque, glittery Master Ball, which sets it apart from the clear ball cases of other Monster Ball Badges.
Celebi: A Timeless Encounter Theatre Promo Die-Cut Eraser Set B. Suicune & Celebi
セレビィ 時を越えた遭遇 劇場限定商品 ダイカット消しゴム B.スイクン&セレビィ
Movic 2001
A set of surprisingly-large Celebi and Suicune die-cut erasers.

Celebi: A Timeless Encounter Theatre Promo Clear Card Set
セレビィ 時を越えた遭遇 劇場限定商品 クリアカードセット
Movic 2001

Celebi: A Timeless Encounter Theatre Promo Double File 0701G-08A
セレビィ 時を越えた遭遇 劇場限定商品 ダブルファイル 0701G-08A
Movic 2001

Celebi: A Timeless Encounter Theatre Promo Shitajiki 0701G-01A
セレビィ 時を越えた遭遇 劇場限定商品 下敷き 0701G-01A
Movic 2001
Ruler of Illusion: Zoroark
幻影の覇者 ゾロアーク
Ruler of Illusion: Zoroark Theatre Promo Program
幻影の覇者 ゾロアーク 劇場限定商品 パンフレット
Along with other promotional merchandise, theatres in Japan sold special, gorgeous programs of the featured movie. These programs feature gorgeous full-color pages, glossy covers with holographic accents, behind the scenes information about the movie, and perhaps best of all, complete lists of all the theatre promotional merchandise released for that movie.

Ruler of Illusion: Zoroark 2010 Pokémon Popcorn Box
幻影の覇者 ゾロアーク 2010 ポケモン ポップコーン BOX
Movic 2010
A gorgeous child-sized purple popcorn bucket made for the viewing of the thirteenth Pokémon movie. Zorua and Zoroark are molded into the front of the lid, while Pikachu and Piplup are molded into the opposite side of the lid. But most exciting about this piece of merchandise is that it is the only official merchandise to feature not only the three beasts, but also Land Forme Shaymin!

Ruler of Illusion: Zoroark Theatre Promo Metal Keychain A Suicune, Celebi, Zoroark
幻影の覇者 ゾロアーク 劇場限定商品 メタルキーチェーンA スイクン、セレビィ、ゾロアーク
Movic 2010
For the first time in nearly ten years, Suicune has theatre items! And unbelievably, this is now its second movie metal keychain. It is quite a bit larger than its older counterpart, perhaps double the size. This keychain also features Celebi and Zoroark.
Ruler of Illusion: Zoroark Theatre Promo Metal Keychain B Entei, Raikou, Zorua
幻影の覇者 ゾロアーク 劇場限定商品 メタルキーチェーンB エンテイ、ライコウ、ゾロア
Movic 2010
Also for the first time in ten years, Entei has theatre items! And a second movie metal keychain, while Raikou got its very first at last. The charms are about twice as large as Entei's older counterpart, as well. This keychain also features Zorua.
Ruler of Illusion: Zoroark Theatre Promo Chara Metal Collection Raikou, Entei, Suicune
幻影の覇者 ゾロアーク 劇場限定商品 キャラメタルコレクション ライコウ、エンテイ、スイクン
Movic 2010
These metal charms are surprisingly rare and hard to track down, because of their blind packaging and large sets (14 in this set, including Secret Rares). They are well worth the hunt though, and are absolutely beautiful.
Ruler of Illusion: Zoroark Theatre Promo Shoe Badges Raikou, Entei, Suicune
幻影の覇者 ゾロアーク 劇場限定商品 シューバッジ ライコウ、エンテイ、スイクン
Komariyō 2010
The stranger recent additions to theatre merchandise lineups, these are plastic pegs with Pokémon on them that you put into the holes of Crocs. Since I don't own Crocs, these guys are cute by themselves!